Amateur radio call signs of Argentina

Amateur radio or ham radio call signs are unique identifiers for the 37,000 licensed operators in Argentina. Call signs are regulated internationally by the ITU as well as nationally by the ComisiĆ³n Nacional de Comunicaciones of the Argentine government.


Call sign blocks for telecommunication

The International Telecommunication Union has assigned Argentina the following call sign blocks for all radio communication, broadcasting or transmission:[1]

Call sign block
AYA - AYZ Argentina
L2A - L2Z Argentina
LOA - LWZ Argentina

While not directly related to call signs, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) further has divided all countries assigned amateur radio prefixes into three regions; Argentina is located in ITU Region 2. New Zealand is assigned ITU Zone 14, and CQ zone 13.

Internally Argentina divides its regions according to the first or first-two letter(s) of the suffix according to this table:[2]

Call sign block
LU#A, B, C Buenos Aires City
LU#D, E Buenos Aires Province
LU#F Santa Fe
LU#GA-GO Chaco
LU#GP-GZ Formosa
LU#H Cordoba
LU#I Misiones
LU#J Entre Rios
LU#K Tucuman
LU#L Corrientes
LU#M Mendoza
LU#N Santiago del Estero
LU#O Salta
LU#P San Juan
LU#Q San Luis
LU#R Catamarca
LU#S La Rioja
LU#T Jujuy
LU#U La Pampa
LU#V Rio Negro
LU#W Chubut
LU#XA-XO Santa Cruz
LU#XP-XZ Tierra del Fuego
LU#Y Neuquen
LU#Z Antarctica

Call sign assignments for amateur radio

The most common prefix used for amateur radio is the LU block. Foreign amateurs can contact the Radio Club Argentino for permission to operate in the country.[3]

History of call sign allocation

At the 1913 Berlin Conference the Argentine Republic was assigned the call sign block LIA - LRZ, and the LSA - LWZ was not yet assigned. However amateur radio was not necessarily covered under this protocol.[4]

In 1924, Argentina was assigned the single letter prefix 'R' as an informal convention to avoid confusion durning trans-Atlantic radio tests.[5]

The 1927 International Telecommunication Union Conference in Washington (D.C., USA) established further agreed upon call sign prefixes - Argentina was assigned LOA-LVZ block and the blocks outside of these were revoked (Norway received LAA-LNZ).[6] Once again, these blocks did not necessarily apply to amateur radio.

At the 1947 International Telecommunication Conference (Atlantic City), Argentina's 1927 block was extended to include LWA-LWZ and now included amateur radio. The AYA-AZZ was also added.

In 1995 Argentina became a party to the International Amateur Radio Permit (IARP), which provides for the mutual recognition of amateur radio licenses issued to the citizens of the participating countries. Six other administrations are parties to the IARP: Brazil, Canada, Peru, the US, Uruguay, and Venezuela.[7]

See also

External links
